Action Comics #286 Mar. 1962 :: The Death of Luthor!

Lex Luthor dies in this issue. No, really. Dead as a doorknob.

This issue starts with Lex Luthor escaping from jail by concocting an invisibility potion. He returns to his gang’s hideout and explains to his goons that he has a theory about Supergirl: she’s a robot. Now this might sound like an oddball theory but in the land of 1960’s comics this isn’t impossible by any stretch of the imagination. Luthor lures Supergirl near one of his lairs where he shoots her with a cannon and finds out that she is invulnerable , thus proving she is not a robot. Luthor probably doesn’t think that Superman could have built a robot that is invulnerable to artillery shells.

While escaping from Supergirl Luthor shoots himself in the kisser with his Nuclear Kryptonite Ray-Gun. Surprisingly enough a face-full of nuclear Kryptonite kills him. Supergirl will not allow Lex to escape his punishment the easy way by dying. Oh no, she wants him to serve out his prison sentence. She flies all over the world and even to outer space to find rare materials to create a cocoon to reanimate Luthor’s tubby corpse.

The cocoon works and Luthor is brought back to life. I would be happy to be alive again but Luthor is pissed-off because a) he has to finish his prison term and b) he will be the laughingstock of the criminal community because he was saved by Supergirl. Tough cookies Lex, next time kill yourself better.

On my patented Supergirl Wink © scale this issue gets:

2 Winks

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