Action Comics #312 May 1964 :: The Fantastic Menace of the “LL’s”

Always follow the advice of strange computers that fall out of the sky.

This issue begins with Supergirl receiving a package from the Cybernians. The technologically advanced Cybernians sent Supergirl a computer which she uses to find out how that day’s adventures will turn out. The advanced machine’s ticker tape output reads: “Your Feats Will Be Affected By…LL…“. As any long-term reader of Superman comics knows there are many characters with the initials L.L. Her first adventure of the day involves her saving a group of people from a collapsing building. Unfortunately the collapsing building was a movie prop.

Next comes a series of screw-ups, each one including the initials L.L. in one way or another. The last adventure (on Earth) was saving a boat from going over the falls at Niagara Falls.  Next she is caught in a green Kryptonite meteor shower while testing out a new escape craft.

Supergirl is saved at the last minute by an unknown space man who leaves as soon as Supergirl is safe. It turns out that the space man was Comet in human form! He was coincidentally in the area when he noticed Supergirl was in trouble. Coincidentally enough a comet (Halley’s comet) passed through that sector of space and turned him into a human. Coincidentally he landed on a small satellite with some abandoned space suits and rocket packs which he used to save Supergirl.

On my patented Supergirl Wink © scale this issue gets:

5 Winks.

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