Superboy keeps his “S” t-shirt hidden underneath another t-shirt Yeah, no, really. from Superboy #1 (2010) (preview)
Can you list the number of clichés and/or fetishes represented on this cover? I spy with my little eye… Hot ‘smart’ girl (it’s the glasses). Slutty Sexy costumes. Girl making out with a girl. Sexy vampirism. Children’s story characters Rule 34rd. Can you spot any more?
A nitpick regarding the Batwoman series advertisement Why is it that the Batwoman advertisement is the only one with the tagline “She’s Back Because YOU Demanded It!” like the title couldn’t stand on its own merits but DC is being nice and bringing it back because the fans want it?
A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket. ~John Dennis, 1781 from the cover to Superman: The Last Family of Krypton #3 (of 3) (download preview)